As you might have noticed, we’ve also created a ‘quickfix’ file. This can be
loaded into VIM through either its -q
option, or the :cfile
With some luck, you’ll be able to just copy over the Internet Archive’s search
results and call it a day, though my success rate isn’t really that great with
it, and I tend to look whether I can find the content’s new home address first,
It’s handy to map the commands for iterating through Quickfix List entries to
simple keypresses. For example, to mimic Qt Creator:
nnoremap <F6> :cnext<CR>:cc<CR>
nnoremap <S-F6> :cprevious<CR>:cc<CR>
A less convenient but more portable option would be
vim-unimpaired's ]q
, [q
In general, this approach isn’t entirely optimal, seeing as line numbers may get
outdated fast, especially within large files, and resolved links don’t disappear
from the list. Still, I find it more than adequate for my purposes.
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