Weekly report 20-36

Project maintenance

Last week I took a look at sensei-raw-ctl, this week I was thinking about taking care of the rest of my packages, notably those that I considered the most useful to other people, so that they’re more eligible for inclusion in Linux distributions. Since the biggest target on that front is Debian, and I might never get to have my software packaged for me by volunteers, given their enormous backlog, I eventually abandoned the idea, as I don’t particularly want to put time into Debian packaging myself, having had enough of that working at SUSE. Nevertheless, I’m happy with the progress I’ve made.


This one is certainly useful, if only for corporates who tend to have such needs in the first place. Here the biggest deficiencies were the potential to mangle unusual documents, and the inability to change the size of the window reserved for signature data at runtime. Both were relatively easy to fix.

Then I spent a lot of hours making a test suite. Certificates are always such a pain to deal with. I figured out how to use openssl to create a custom CA with a related S/MIME leaf certificate, then imported the CA into a custom NSS database for use in pdfsig, just so that it could say the signer is trusted. Of course, I had wasted about three hours on the -addext switch making a CA that couldn’t be paired with its leaf certificate before I took a step back and made a minimal reproducer that helped me find out about it.

The effort wasn’t in vain, as I discovered a slight issue in the Go port, where its infamous range operator iterated through xref chunks in a randomised order. The fix for that even ended up cleaning up the code, which is a win-win.

Status: Finished now


A few years back, I’ve successfully managed to bend GNU Readline to do the most unusual of things, including an IRC client with switchable buffers and a multiline prompt, reminding the uninformed of a Curses interface. Since I don’t exactly like Readline because of its messy internals, as well as its strong copyleft license, I later tried to port this to the BSD Editline library, also available as a separate port called libedit. Even though I managed to make it mostly functional in both of my applications, some problems still remain, such as history not working correctly, and recently I’ve noticed that it sometimes misrenders.

While checking to see if this ‘frontend’ is still usable, I’ve discovered that one thing has finally started to work there: attributed prompts. With one caveat, it seemed that the escape character can’t be at the end of the prompt, or the part that it encloses would get ignored, and the user’s input would be rendered bold as well. So I swapped the attribute reset sequence with the trailing space character, which fixed it.

Of course, something different had to break in exchange. I mostly used the wide character interface of the library but in one place I dared to call the multibyte el_gets function in order to force it to redraw, and this started to crash. Easily enough, I just had to replace it with el_wgets.


As soon as I was about to try out some libedit changes in the IRC client, I was faced with an unpleasant surprise: it failed to build! It turned out that my Arch (btw I use Arch) system only had the ‘lua’ package installed, and it got upgraded to Lua 5.4, which has an incompatible coroutine API. I quickly patched it up without greater testing, though it appears to work.

Status: Forever a personal tool, a GUI rewrite is necessary


While fixing up my other program that sports a fancy command line, I noticed one thing: when I ran an external editor (VIM in my case) on the input, the editor would automatically insert a newline at the end, and the cursor would end up on a blank line. This looked rather inappropriate, so I’ve resolved it by trimming them off.

Then there was one more issue to address: when you pipe something into a libedit program, which is a valid use case for json-rpc-shell, it gets silently switched into a special mode that doesn’t work together with the asynchronous ‘unbuffered’ mode, and my program got stuck in a busy loop where the library would never invoke the carriage return handler, nor would it return anything sane from el_wgets. It was easy enough to prevent this, using the buffered mode instead, and reading entire lines at once.

Moving on from obvious deficiencies, it was time to make the defaults saner: it used to be that you had to run with -a and -p options on in order for bare method calls to not be sent as notifications, and to pretty-print the result. Not anymore.

Finally, as I wanted to extend the test server program with a new method that would return some nontrivial data, which ended up being ‘date’ for lack of better ideas, I noticed an old bug on each side of the connection: the server didn’t send the ‘id’ field in its reply, and the client didn’t bother to check it.

Status: Finished now


My trusty companion, an offline dictionary. I finally arrived at the idea to scratch one itch of mine: I didn’t have an English thesaurus in it yet, and I tend to need this a lot as of late, for my perfectionist writing. I went through my collection of StarDict dictionaries of questionable legal status (you can easily find these online), looking for a thesaurus that could be transformed so that my measly program would be able to display it, and went for the Collins Thesaurus.

Which lead me to the immediate problem: how do I transform all of its XDXF entries into the required plain-text format? I had to make a tool. Since I didn’t want to make it too specific to the task at hand, it had to be able to filter entries through a helper program. And since it costs a lot of time to launch a process in Linux and I didn’t want the operation to take several minutes, it had to be streamed through as a whole. Also, seeing as entries often contain newlines, they had to be separated from each other by something like the NUL character, which is actually the internal separator for all textual StarDict entries.

Perl, my favourite text transformation tool, has a switch for exactly that situation. So I dusted off my knowledge of the somewhat ugly GLib ecosystem and wrote an utility that first writes all textual entries to a filter program written in Perl, then progressively copies the entire StarDict dictionary to a new one, replacing textual entries with whatever it finds in the filter’s output. What then surprised me was that it only took a split second to fix up the thesaurus, and so I could iterate fast on this lovely piece of line noise:

s|<k>[^<]*</k>\n||; s|</?blockquote>||g; s|\n(?!<)|\n |g; s|</?i>||g;
s|<b>[^<]*\.</b>||g; s| <b>([^<]*)</b>:|$1\n|g; s|(?<!>) ([\w,\h.]*):|$1\n|g;
s|<c[^>]*>\[([^]]*)\]</c>|$1|g; s|\[([^]]*)\]\n|$1\n|g; s|<c[^>]*>([^<]*)</c>|$1|g;
s|\([^(]*\)|$& =~ s/,/&comma;/gr|ge; s|,|\n|g; s|&comma;|,|g; s|&apos;|'|g; s|&amp;|&|g;

There was one more thing to do. I already had ten dictionaries loaded at all times in my sdtui, and this being the eleventh, I ran out of Alt-number bindings to jump to it. I ended up adding Ctrl-PageUp/Down for that purpose, as most people know them from web browsers, as well as Ctrl-Left/Right, which someone claimed worked in irssi.

Status: Forever a personal tool, a GUI rewrite is necessary

Manual pages

Poor documentation I think is the biggest defect of all my projects. I used to generate man pages with GNU help2man, though that just isn’t enough. The user often has no way of learning how to use the program at all.

I still don’t want to write roff by hand, I hate scdoc syntax for the same reasons I hate Markdown, DocBook is annoying XML and complex machinery around it, xmltoman is still annoying XML and also GPL-licensed. However AsciiDoc can do this job and I had already been invested in it, so that is what what I’ve chosen to write extended new manuals in. My Gitea can even render it directly as HTML.

It took me a while to do this properly but now, at last, json-rpc-shell as well as pdf-simple-sign come equipped with good manual pages! They’re a joy for me to look at.


At the recommendation of a friend, I’ve started taking piracetam about two weeks ago, supplemented with citicoline. Both are perfectly legal, over-the-counter substances, just to be clear. I’m fairly lightweight and went for the slightly higher dose of 3.6 grams per day.

I wasn’t really expecting much but the first effects I’ve noticed were that it seemed to, at least some of the time, improve visual acuity, thus making all sorts of visuals highly interesting, and it seems to have some effect on motivation that I’m yet to investigate fully.

So far I’ve been combining it with small 50mg doses of modafinil, my former non-OTC motivator of choice, about every other day. Though I’m starting to notice that this particular combination likes to put me on edge, makes me dry-mouthed, and I often feel distinctly drugged. Despite some synergy, the kind of focus I get is not appropriate for tasks that require patience. It might be good to make me keep going, but it’s at the cost of frequent mistakes, and I feel a need to review the results of my doing when I’m more ‘sober’. I’ve observed myself switch activities often, stopping mid-way and continuing elsewhere, forgetting what I was doing.

In short, I think back to when I tried taking 150mg of armodafinil at once, only without the confidence boost. I’ll stop taking -afinils now, and see where that leaves me.

As a somewhat funny sidenote, I’ve finally learnt how to make hard-boiled eggs, in my ‘advanced age’. I tend to have persistent headaches with piracetam, and people claim adding some choline to your diet might help with that.

Shooting range

My friend dragged me to a shooting range because he still doesn’t have a firearms pass. Since obtaining mine, I’ve somewhat lost interest in my gun—​it’s a neat device, though it fulfils no direct needs of mine and it has eventually become a boring object (which in my opinion beats having a desire to ‘do something with it’ like I used to, spraining my arms and damaging my fingertips). Unlike the last time we were at the range, we didn’t borrow anything from their enormous arsenal, and only used my own pistol for a change.

I tried shooting single-handed with both arms—​it wasn’t all that bad, even if difficult. My left hand hurt a bit from the shocks, perhaps because my grip there isn’t strong enough. I also tried a live-fire/dry-fire exercise, trying to think about firing ‘from the wall’, as they say. What I forgot was that I had intended to do it in double action mode, so I still don’t know anything about my preparedness for self-defence. Next time…​

Field-stripped CZ 75 P-01

Pictured above: a field-stripped P-01 after ~200 rounds. Now clean up the fauling, if you can see it, and if it wants to go at all, which definitely wasn’t the case for the feed ramp.


My personal projects are quite time-consuming, as is writing (despite having ‘learnt’ freewriting, I still need to edit). I think I’ll take a break from them and focus on my job now for a while.

But I regret nothing. It’s always a pleasure to look at some good things I’ve made myself, and it motivates me further. Creating my own beautiful corner of the universe, while the nihilist observes in silence.


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